
  • A.V. Zaitsev
  • O.M. Boychenko
  • N.V. Kotelevska
  • I.Yu. Popovych
  • A.K. Nikolishin



microbiota, inflammation, periodontium, mathematical analysis.


At present, it is believed that the cause of the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases is the influence of the microbial content of dental plaque on the tissue and the local tissue response to it. The intensity of the local tissue response varies depending on the manifestation of local pathophysiological reactions in response to damage and the involvement of systemic body reactions. To assess the state of the periodontal status before and after the treatment, various indicators characterizing the state of the periodontal tissues are used. This includes various indices – gingival and periodontal: PMA (modified by Parma, 1960), gingival index according to Silness-Loe (1964), periodontal index (according to Russel, 1956), SPITN index, etc. The above PMA index (papillary-marginal-alveolar), proposed by Masser and modified by Parma in 1960 p., is used to assess the inflammatory process in the gums, that is, the state of the pathophysiological reaction in them. Assessment of the state of oral hygiene is carried out using hygienic indices – hygienic index according to Fedorov-Volodkina (1970), hygienic index according to Green-Vermillion (OHI-S), etc. The OHI-S simplified oral hygiene index is used to detect dental plaque and calculus, i.e., the organization of dental biofilm. But it is sometimes difficult for a specialist to find his way in the formation of a treatment strategy due to an inadequate interpretation of the compatibility of the indicated indicators. In such cases, mathematical methods should be used for help. Purpose of the study. Creation of a technique that gives an idea of the compatibility and evaluation of indicators of the state of the human oral microbiome and periodontal inflammation in order to use it in dental practice. The materials were data from studies that characterize representatives of oral microbiocenosis and the manifestation of local pathophysiological reactions in response to this. Namely, students aged 20-24 years were selected in the number of 61 people, who were divided into two groups. The first group included 16 boys and 14 girls. The second group consisted of 15 boys and 16 girls. All were diagnosed with a generalized form of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. As a method, elements of mathematical analysis were chosen, namely, the study of graphs of functions obtained using an approximation performed using the Excel 2010 computer program. Our method of determining compatibility and evaluating indicators of the state of the human oral microbiome and periodontal inflammation confirms the correlation of these components. Graphical display allows us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of treatment and the dynamics of the clinical condition of patients. The use of the proposed technique in dental practice will make it possible to predict the state of periodontal disease in dispensary groups and determine the optimal timing of maintenance therapy. 


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How to Cite

Зайцев, А., Бойченко, О., Котелевська, Н., Попович, І., & Ніколішин, А. (2023). METHODOLOGY OF COMPATIBILITY STUDY AND ASSESSMENT OF INDICATORS OF PERIODONTAL INFLAMMATION AND ORAL MICROBIOTA. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 77–81.

