
  • O.I Godovanets Higher state educational institution of Ukraine «Bukovynian State Medical University»
  • A.V. Kotelban Higher state educational institution of Ukraine «Bukovynian State Medical University»



dental health, caries, ICDAS, DRXFM


Aim. Assess the incidence of caries of permanent teeth in children using the indices DRXFM, SIC, ICDAS.
Materials and methods. An examination of 228 children aged 12 and 15 was conducted and 2 research groups were formed. Group I - children aged 12, Group II - chil-dren aged 15. Determined the prevalence, intensity of caries according to the expanded formula DRXFM, SIC-index, ICDAS II 4-6 and ICDAS II 1-6, as well as deter-mined the Stelard hygienic index.
The results. The high prevalence of caries of permanent teeth according to WHO criteria was revealed, while the number of healthy teeth (without caries) varied from 15.39 to 19.36%. The average value of ICDAS II 4-6 at the age of 12 years is 1.98 ± 0.19 teeth, while the index ICDAS II 1-6 - 2.46 times more - 4.89 ± 0.24 teeth, p <0 , 05. In 15-year-olds, these indices are 2.83 ± 0.22 teeth and 7.06 ± 0.32, respectively, p <0.05.
It was found that in 12-year-old children the average val-ue of SIC was 4.67 ± 0.14 teeth, significantly different from that of 15-year-old children 7.41 ± 0.35 teeth. Ac-cording to the Stelard index, unsatisfactory oral hygiene was found in children aged 12 and 15, but the indicators in both groups differed significantly (p <0.05).
Conclusions. Thus, the obtained high rates of prevalence and intensity of caries determine the special importance of caries prevention measures and indicate the need to find new approaches in the fight for dental health of chil-dren.


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How to Cite

Годованець, О., & Котельбан, А. (2021). INDICATIONS OF CARIES OF PERMANENT TEETH IN CHILDREN 12 AND 15 YEARS OLD. Stomatological Bulletin, 111(2), 80–84.




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