children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, nonspecific immunityAbstract
Purpose of the study. Study of gum condition, salivation rate, and factors of non-specific oral protection in pubertal children suffering from chronic catarrhal gingivitis, and identify the relationship between these indicators. Мaterials and methods. In total, 48 children 12–13 years old were examined, of which 20 children without periodontal diseases and 28 children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis. In children, the state of the gums (PMA), the rate of salivation and indicators of nonspecific protection – leukocytic and epithelial – were studied. Results. The studies were conducted in a comparative aspect: children without periodontal diseases and children with gum inflammation. It was found that the prevalence and intensity of the inflammatory process in the intact group was insignificant and captured only individual local areas of the gingival papilla. In group 2 children, the prevalence of inflammation was high (44%) – almost half of the dentition showed inflammation. As for the intensity of inflammation, the level of inflammation approached the maximum possible indicator of – 3. The level of salivation at rest and irritation in children, both without periodontal disease and with gingivitis, was significantly lower than normal values. At the same time, hyposalivation was more pronounced in children with gingivitis. Boys had a slightly higher salivation rate than girls. It was concluded that the decrease in the functional activity of the salivary glands is facilitated by the hormonal imbalance observed in pubertal children. At the same time, the mechanism of impaired salivation in puberty children is primarily due to impaired salivation. This assumption is supported by the fact that girls whose puberty occurs slightly earlier have lower salivation rates. Further, important indicators of nonspecific reactivity of the oral cavity were studied – migration of white blood cells and exfoliating of the epithelium in the oral cavity. When considering the indicators of each child from a group of healthy children, the maximum content of white blood cells in oral washes was within 458 thousand in 1 ml, in children with gingivitis – 856 thousand in 1 ml, that is, almost 2 times more.
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