
  • A.Yu. Romanova
  • A.V. Kopchak



mandibular fractures, new alloys, low-modulus β-ZrTiNb alloy, osteosynthesis, miniplates


Purpose of the study. To assess the effectiveness of clinical application of plates made from a new lowmodulus β-ZrTiNb alloy for treating lower jaw fractures in a prospective controlled study. Research materials and methods. The study included 53 patients with traumatic lower jaw fractures, divided into two groups matched by age, gender, and nature of the injury. In the first (experimental) group (26 patients), osteosynthesis was performed using plates made from the low-modulus β-Zr- Ti-Nb alloy. In the second (control) group (27 patients), fracture reduction and fixation were carried out using traditional titanium miniplates and screws. Both groups of patients were assessed for age, etiology of the injury, fracture localization, time to surgery, effectiveness of osteosynthesis, operative time, and postoperative complications. Statistical analysis included calculations of mean values, standard deviations, and standard errors of the mean. The significance of differences was determined using non-parametric Mann-Whitney and Pearson's chi-squared tests, with calculations performed using SPSS Statistics v.22 (IBM SPSS, USA). Results: Among all 53 patients with traumatic lower jaw fractures of various locations (a total of 95 fracture zones) included in the study, 94.3% (n=50) were male. The average age of patients was 38.5±13 years. The primary causes of injury were assaults (73.6 %) and falls (17 %). After osteosynthesis in the experimental group, anatomically accurate reduction (5 points) was observed in 21 patients (80.7 %), and 4 points were observed in 5 patients (19.2 %). In the control group, 5 points were observed in 22 patients (84.6 %), and 4 points were observed in 5 patients (18.5 %). The use of β-Zr-Ti-Nb alloy fixators resulted in a slight decrease in the frequency of inflammatory processes (11.5% in the experimental group vs. 15.4 % in the control group) and the development of neuropathies (3.8 % in the experimental group vs. 11.5 % in the control group). However, with this sample size, the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). No signs of side effects or toxicity were observed when using plates made from the β-Zr-Ti-Nb alloy. Conclusions: The obtained data indicate the potential for effective and safe use of new plates made from the β-Zr-Ti-Nb alloy for lower jaw osteosynthesis under immediate or early mobilization conditions.


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How to Cite

Романова, А., & Копчак, А. (2023). USE OF FIXATORS MADE OF LOW MODULUS β-ZrTiNb ALLOY IN PATIENTS WITH TRAUMATIC FRACTURES OF THE LOWER JAW. Stomatological Bulletin, 124(3), 73–81.




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