
  • D.O. Sukhomeylo
  • O.E. Reyzvikh




experimental caries, pulp, vitamin D3 deficiency, biochemical markers, therapeutic and preventive complex.


The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that insufficient content of vitamin D3 in the human body, even to a small extent, can be a risk factor for the development of caries and other diseases of the hard tissues of the teeth. Vitamin D plays an important role in the pathogenesis of such widespread diseases of the bone system as osteoporosis and disorders of reparative osteogenesis. The presented article presents data from biochemical studies conducted in the pulp and teeth of experimental animals that received a therapeutic and preventive complex against the background of alimentary vitamin D deficiency and a caries-causing diet. Purpose of the study. Experimental assessment in rats of changes in the biochemical parameters of hard tooth tissues against the background of a caries-causing diet and a model of alimentary vitamin D deficiency under the influence of developed therapeutic and preventive measures. Materials and methods. Experimental studies were conducted on 42 one-monthold rats of the Wistar line of herd breeding, both sexes with an average body weight of 75±3 g. During the experiment, the animals were divided into three groups, 14 rats each: group 1 – Intact; group 2 – model of pathology on a D-deficient caries – causing diet; group 3-model of pathology and the use of a therapeutic and preventive complex. The following preparations were used in the work: gel "Slyurem" (SI "IDMS NAMS", Ukraine), "strong teeth" (LLC PTF "Farmakom", Ukraine), Aquadetrim vitamin D3 (Medana Pharma S. A., Poland). The duration of the experiment was 30 days. Animals were taken out of the experiment by total bloodletting from the heart. For further studies, jaws with teeth were isolated to count the number and depth of carious cavities, pulp in which the activity of elastase, acid and alkaline phosphatase was determined. Research results. The consumption of a varied diet by rats against the background of alimentary vitamin D3 deficiency for 30 days contributed to the development of the carious process. The use of the therapeutic and preventive complex could not completely slow down the development of the carious process in rats, and at the same time had a pronounced positive effect on the impaired activity of pulp elastase and phosphatases. The indicator of pulp mineralization decreased in the 2nd group in men by 2.3 times, and in women – by 2.5 times. After applying the therapeutic and preventive complex in rats, the mineralization Index returned to the indicators of the Intact Group. The use of oral gel "Sljurem", "Strong teeth" and Aquadetrim in appropriate doses contributed to a decrease in elastase activity by 55.6% (P2<0.001) and 42.4 % (P2<0.001), respectively, in men and women. Conclusions. Experimental studies of the effectiveness of the complex have established its preventive effect in relation to the activity of elastase and phosphatases of pulp, that is, to prevent violations of the mineralizing function of the pulp of teeth of animals that were in caries-causing conditions against the background of alimentary D3 deficiency. The conducted studies are the basis for the development of a therapeutic and preventive complex for children with dental caries, but requires dose adjustment depending on the age of the child and the level of appropriate laboratory parameters.


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How to Cite

Сухомейло, Д., & Рейзвіх O. (2023). EFFECT OF THE THERAPEUTIC AND PREVENTIVE COMPLEX ON THE CONDITION OF HARD TISSUES OF RAT TEETH IN CONDITIONS OF ALIMENTARY VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY. Stomatological Bulletin, 125(4), 2–9. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-50-4.1

