Tooth whitening, tooth hypersensitivity, analysis of early complications, dental caries, gum recession.Abstract
Teeth whitening. Analysis of early complications. The purpose of the study was to conduct an analysis of complications that appeared in the first days after bleaching. Materials and methods. In total, 32 people took part in the studies who underwent the bleaching procedure for the first time. When performing the work, our task was to survey patients and collect anamnestic data, as well as their analysis and statistical studies. The following tasks were set. 1. Study the prevalence of different methods of teeth whitening and assess the validity of their implementation. 2. Study the identified complications, as well as possible complications in the future, taking into account the number of procedures performed. 3. Study comorbidities as well as oral diseases that were present at the time of the procedure or have been observed in the past. Results. During the interview with patients, it was found that 7 persons (23 %) applied hardware bleaching; 8 (25 %) ‒ laser bleaching; 8 ‒ (25 %) ‒ thermocatalytic bleaching; 9 people (28 %) ‒ oxidative cleavage of pigments. It was found that out of 32 people ‒ 21 (65 %) already in the first two days after bleaching had a painful reaction, in particular, to touch, hot, cold. When whitening teeth with the use of the apparatus, there were no cases of hyperesthesia of the teeth during the first 2 days. When laser and thermocatalytic bleaching was used, there were isolated cases. The largest number of patients indicated hyperesthesia of the teeth after chemical whitening, which is carried out using peroxide. However, in addition to hyperesthesia of the teeth, other complications occurred in the patients, which can be very reliably attributed to the blogging procedure. So, according to the results of the survey, the number of people with bleeding gums increased: if there were 11 cases (34 %) before bleaching, then after this procedure there were already 17 people (53 %). 47 % of patients reported loss of appetite after teeth whitening; general frailty was observed in 25 % of cases. At the same time, 47 % of cases (15 people) after the procedure needed the use of analgesics. It has been established that after bleaching, in some cases, pathological symptoms of a regional nature appear (bleeding gums). The development of caries is not directly related to bleaching procedures. At the same time, cases of gum recession were recorded.
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