
  • S.O. Сhertov
  • O.O. Kokar
  • T.V. Strogonova




implant, peri-implantitis, combat stress, clinical research, inflammation, analysis.


Introduction. After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, most major cities in eastern Ukraine, such as Zaporizhia, were close to the front line and received the status of a frontline city. The life of the Society of these cities has adapted to the needs of modern realities. One of the main social sectors that first felt the proximity of the front was the health service, including the dental service. A significant share of visitors to both small dental offices in Zaporozhye and large dental centers was occupied by military patients. Constant combat stress, psychological and physical exertion negatively affect the immune system of military personnel, causing general and local immunosuppression. Often, after combat missions, the military has increased complaints of toothache due to exacerbation of chronic processes. Purpose of the study. Study of the frequency of visits to private dental institutions and the main dental procedures in the treatment of combatants. Research methods. A retrospective analysis of the medical documentation of dental patients of military servicemen at a private dental clinic in Zaporizhzhia was conducted. The methods of comparing Student's proportions, comparing χ2, frequencies, linear regression methods, and time series analysis were used. Scientific novelty. At the present stage, of interesting the data on the dynamics of turning to private dental services of active military combatants and the main medical measures during their treatment in 2022-2023. Conclusions. Thus, the results obtained showed that the servicemen's request for dental care in the private sector of the front-line city is seasonal ‒ mainly in the summer months and the first months of autumn. The main volume of dental care in a front-line city includes measures that do not require a minimum number of visits to a doctor. The dental implantation and total rehabilitation is performed only by 13.0% of patients who are military servicemen during the period of active service.


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How to Cite

Чертов, С., Кокарь, О., & Строгонова, Т. (2023). FEATURES OF DENTAL TREATMENT FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL DURING THE WAR (RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS). Stomatological Bulletin, 125(4), 92–97. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-50-4.16

