
  • V.S. Melnyk
  • Ya.I. Duganchyk
  • S.V. Melnyk



hygiene education, health lessons, teaching oral hygiene, prevention, dental caries.


Today, the prevalence and intensity of the development of dental caries and periodontal tissue diseases in children in Ukraine is high due to insufficient preventive care of the oral cavity during the period of growth and formation of its organs and tissues. An important task of preventive dentistry is hygienic education and upbringing of children of preschool and school age, which includes two sections: sanitary and educational work and teaching oral hygiene methods. The purpose of the study: to assess the state of oral hygiene in younger schoolchildren before participating in a dental preventive program. Research methods. 118 junior high school students of Uzhhorod Lyceum No. 3 in Uzhgorod took part in the clinical study. By the method of randomization, all participants were divided into 3 groups depending on the prophylactic agent used. Group A consisted of 27 children, group B – 27 schoolchildren, group C – 26 schoolchildren. The comparison group D consisted of 38 children whose parents refused to participate in the preventive program, but gave their consent to the examination of the oral cavity. The results summarized in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet/ google spreadsheet were exported to licensed software for the Windows operating system and the standard Statsoft software package. Inc STATISTICA 6.0 2300 East 14th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 USA and performed the statistical analysis. Object and subject of the study: Oral hygiene was assessed using the simplified hygiene index of Green and Vermion ONI-S (1964). During the assessment of oral hygiene, only mild dental plaque was diagnosed in younger schoolchildren of all groups. As a result of the study, it was established that the average value of the ONI-S hygienic index ranged from 0.93 of group A to 1.09 of group B, which corresponds to satisfactory oral hygiene. The analysis of the structure of the ONI-S index showed that in most children of group A and group B (85.2%), the value of the ONI-S index was in the range from 0.7 to 1.6 and corresponded to a satisfactory rating. 14.8% of the children of these groups had good oral hygiene. Structural analysis of the ONI-S index in group C showed that 23.1% of children had good, 69.2% – satisfactory, and 7.7% – unsatisfactory oral hygiene. In comparison group D, the proportion of children with good oral hygiene is higher (28.9%), and the proportion of children with satisfactory oral hygiene is lower (57.9%) than in the other groups. Children with unsatisfactory oral hygiene in groups A and B were not registered, and in group D there were almost 2 times more of them (13.2%) than in group C. The state of hygiene in younger schoolchildren of group A (?=6.6; р 1-3 ˂0.05; χ²= 6.6; р 1-4 ˂0.05) and group B (χ²= 6.6; р 2-3 ˂0.05; 2-4 ˂0.05 ) was statistically significantly better than that of representatives of group C and group D. Scientific novelty. Assessment of the state of oral hygiene in younger schoolchildren before participating in a dental preventive program. Conclusions. Junior high school students of all groups had satisfactory oral hygiene according to the ONI-S index before participating in the preventive program. The smallest amount of soft dental plaque in children of all groups was found on the front group of index teeth.


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How to Cite

Мельник, В., Дуганчик, Я., & Мельник, С. (2024). THE ROLE OF HYGIENE EDUCATION IN THE SYSTEM OF PRIMARY PREVENTION OF DENTAL DISEASES. Stomatological Bulletin, 126(1), 42–47.

