
  • M.Yu. Goncharuk-Khomyn State High Educational Institution «Uzhhorod National University»
  • I.V. Tukalo State High Educational Institution «Uzhhorod National University»
  • A.I. Liakh State High Educational Institution «Uzhhorod National University»
  • V.V. Stoyka State High Educational Institution «Uzhhorod National University»



occlusion, occlusal relationship, maxillomandibular relationship, intraoral scanning, dentistry, digital dentistry.


Purpose of the study. To study and systematize literature data on influential factors, features of registration and validity of diagnosed parameters for interocclusal relationship of maxilla and mandible (in conditions of static position of maximum intercuspidation), established using intraoral scanning technology, as well as approaches aimed at optimization for digital verification of such. Research methods. Conducted research was organized in the format of a comprehensive literature review. The search for scientific sources affiliated with the present research objective was provided through the Google Scholar system ( using keywords, such as «intraoral scanning», «virtual static occlusion», «bite scan», «maxillomandibular relationship» in their various combinations, while taking into account advanced search functions. If the information given in the summary of the scientific publication corresponded to the objective of present research, further detailed content analysis of the text within scientific paper was carried out with the search for data related to the formulated categories of the target content-analysis. Scientific novelty. The sensitivity of static occlusal relationships registration with the use of the intraoral scanning technology according to the available meta-analysis is set at the level of 0,76, while the specificity is set at the level of 0,80; at the same time, most previous studies reported the level of deviations within 0,5 mm when registering occlusal relationships and occlusal contacts based on intraoral scanning data, although higher levels of deviations were demonstrated in some publications. 70% sensitivity level and 95% specificity level could be considered as minimally acceptable for intraoral scans for clinically accurate assessment of interocclusal relationships. The accuracy of recording interocclusal relationship within the state of maximum intercuspation depends on the used intraoral scanning technology and varies between such. The presence of areas with missing two or more teeth reduces the accuracy of maxillomandibular relationship registration in the state of maximum intercuspation. Conclusions. Approach of static occlusion digital registration using an intraoral scanner can be interpreted as such with comparable accuracy to analog impressions in cases of absent aedentia areas, stable occlusal contacts, single prepared teeth, or absence of single teeth within the distal areas with sufficient stability of remaining occlusion. The number of teeth that are included within the scan aimed at registering interocclusal relationship, as well as their position, affect the accuracy of digital bite scans obtained by intraoral scanning technology. In the case of total rehabilitation with prosthetic constructions supported by natural teeth it is advisable to use classic elastomeric impressions, or a combination of such with digital bite scans obtained before preparation from the frontal and distal areas of the jaws (bilaterally) in order to properly register interocclusal relationship.


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