
  • Yа.M. Hurtova State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgary National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • S.A. Shnaider State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgary National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • A.E. Dienga State Establishment “The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”
  • F.Y. Shchepanskyi Higher Private Educational Institution “Lviv Medical University”
  • M. Straka Higher Private Educational Institution “Lviv Medical University”
  • I.V. Shakhnovskyi Odesa National Medical University
  • A.V. Cherednychenko Odesa National Medical University


periodontitis, bone tissue, rats, experiment, biochemical markers


Periodontitis is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in the adult population and may be complicated by systemic metabolic disorders, particularly dietary protein deficiency. Reduced protein intake potentiates inflammatory processes and accelerates bone tissue resorption, thereby aggravating destructive changes in the periodontium. To prevent disease progression, it is crucial to explore the pathogenic mechanisms of bone tissue damage and to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic-prophylactic interventions under combined pathology conditions. The purpose of the study was to experimentally assess the effect of a therapeutic-prophylactic drug complex on the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases, protein content, the mineralization index, and the degree of alveolar bone atrophy in rats under conditions of peroxidative periodontitis and dietary protein deficiency. Materials and methods. The study used 30 Wistar rats, which were divided into three groups: an intact group, a group with a model of cumulative pathology, and a group with pathology that received the treatment complex. The model of cumulative pathology was created by introducing a low-protein diet and peroxidized sunflower oil. At the end of the experiment, acid and alkaline phosphatase activity, protein content, and calcium level were determined in the homogenates of periodontal bone tissue, followed by calculation of the mineralization index (ALP/ACP). The degree of alveolar ridge atrophy was measured by morphometric assessment of the mandibular specimens. Research results. Modeling the combined pathology led to inhibited bone formation in the periodontium, as evidenced by a 32.7 % decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity (and an 18.2 % reduction in the mineralization index) and a 29.6 % increase in acid phosphatase activity, alongside a 27.3 % rise in alveolar ridge atrophy compared to the intact group. Administration of the therapeutic-prophylactic complex promoted normalization of bone tissue parameters: acid phosphatase activity decreased by 20.2 %, alkaline phosphatase activity rose by 56.4 %, and the mineralization index increased by 96.2 %, which overall indicated a significant reduction in destructive processes and restoration of bone metabolism balance. Conclusions. The results confirm the effectiveness of a comprehensive therapeutic-prophylactic approach under conditions of peroxidative periodontitis and protein deficiency, as it helps to suppress destructive changes in the periodontal bone tissue, restore the balance between osteoblastic and osteoclastic activities, and may serve as a basis for new methods to manage periodontal pathologies. 


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How to Cite

Гуртова, Я., Шнайдер, С., Дєньга, А., Щепанський, Ф., Страка, М., Шахновський, І., & Чередниченко, А. (2025). EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF HEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD OF RATS IN THE CONTEXT OF PEROXIDEINDUCED PERIODONTITIS, DIETARY PROTEIN DEFICIENCY, AND THERAPEUTIC AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES. Stomatological Bulletin, 129(4), 14–19. Retrieved from http://visnyk.od.ua/index.php/mainjournal/article/view/535




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