
  • S.S. Polishchuk M.I. Pirogov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • A.I. Dalishchuk M.I. Pirogov Vinnytsia National Medical University
  • S.I. Adamiv Odessa National Medical University
  • V.S. Polishchuk M.I. Pirogov Vinnytsia National Medical University



liver diseases, oral cavity, inflammatory processes of the face, surgical dentistry


Liver function plays an important role in the health of the entire body, including oral and maxillofacial health. The presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity may 

be associated with impaired liver function, as the liver plays an important role in the elimination of toxins and immunological processes. Purpose of the study. Study, analysis and generalization of available literature data on the effect of the liver on the course of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region. Materials and methods. The search platforms PubMed, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and DOAJ were used to search for scientific papers for their analysis. Research results. In patients with liver diseases, there is a violation of homeostasis, which is manifested by various manifestations from the dentoalveolar system and oral cavity, such as petechiae, excessive bleeding, even with minor injuries, as well as inflammatory processes. Liver failure due to hepatitis can lead to the development of lichen planus, various manifestations of stomatitis, periodontitis, characterized by epithelial degeneration and lymphocyte infiltration. Oral manifestations of hepatitis also include Sjogren’s syndrome, petechiae, rash, sialoadenitis, and bleeding gums. Elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the blood are often accompanied by symptoms such as bleeding gums and petechiae. Liver diseases have a significant impact on dental treatment, so it is important to carefully collect a medical history. Liver diseases are accompanied by numerous manifestations in the oral cavity and on the mucous membrane, in particular: lichen planus, erythema multiforme, Jorgen’s syndrome, cheilitis, leukoplakia of the oral mucosa and even oral cancer. Conclusions. The oral cavity acts as a ”reflection” of the state of other body systems, in particular the liver, which affects the occurrence and course of inflammatory processes of the oral cavity such as periostitis, abscesses, phlegmons. Inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial region against the background of liver diseases have their own characteristics and require further study and explanation. Understanding this relationship is important for early detection of liver dysfunction and planning effective treatment of odontogenic inflammatory processes in the face and neck. In dental practice, this will prevent complications of inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and diagnose them at an early stage. 


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How to Cite

Поліщук, С., Даліщук, А., Адамів, С., & Поліщук, В. (2025). MODERN VIEWS ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE LIVER ON THE COURSE OF ODONTOGENIC INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES OF THE FACE. Stomatological Bulletin, 129(4), 184–191.