molecular genetic studies, anthropogenic load, oral cavity, childrenAbstract
Relevance. Anthropogenic factors ‒ environmental fac-tors caused by various forms of impact of human activi-ties on nature. Children are more likely than adults to be exposed to environmental risk factors. Recent works indi-cate a possible correlation of collagen polymorphism with the development of connective tissue diseases.
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of polymor-phic variants of the COL2A1 (6846 C> A), MMP9 (A-8202G) genes on the hard tissue indices of permanent teeth, periodontal indices, and oral hygiene indices in children living in areas of different anthropogenic stress.
Materials and methods. We studied the functionally sig-nificant polymorphisms COL2A1 (6846 C> A), MMP9 (A-8202G), evaluated the state of hard tooth tissues, oral hygiene and periodontal tissues in children living in areas of different anthropogenic stress.
Findings. Studies of the dental status of children from ar-eas of different anthropogenic load showed that 6846 C> A polymorphism of the COL2A1 gene is associated with a violation of the state of hard tissues of teeth, periodontal tissues and oral hygiene, the influence of anthropogenic factors is not paramount, the genetic component predom-inates in the development of dental pathology of hard tis-sues teeth, periodontal tissues and oral hygiene. The in-fluence of adverse factors is predominant in the develop-ment of dental pathology of hard tissues of children's teeth, regardless of the polymorphism of the A-8202G polymorphism of the MMP9 gene. No definite associa-tions were found between the A-8202G polymorphism of the MMP9 gene, the state of periodontal tissues, and oral hygiene.
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