
  • A. A. Udod Donetsk national medical University
  • M. V. Kibishauri Donetsk national medical University




lateral teeth, cavities, enamel Bevel, direct restoration, photocomposite, clinical evaluation


For direct restoration of teeth from photocomposites, cav-ities are prepared in accordance with a number of re-quirements.
Purpose of the work. Comparative assessment of the clin-ical condition of direct restoration of lateral teeth from photocomposition materials made with different for-mation of cavities and enamel edges.
Materials and methods. We examined 157 patients who performed 157 direct photocomposition reconstructions on the chewing surfaces of the lateral teeth for uncompli-cated caries. In patients of Group 1, cavities in 47 teeth (29.9 %) were prepared with steep walls, in individuals of Group 2, cavities in 52 teeth (33.1 %) were formed with a bevel of enamel, in patients of Group 3, cavities in 58 teeth (37 %) were prepared with overhanging edges, and the bevel was created after strengthening the enamel with a photocomposite. Recovery was evaluated at 6 and 12 months according to a number of criteria, including using a dental microscope.
Research results. After 6 months, the worst indicators were obtained in people of Group 1, in total, there were 14 violations in 10 recoveries (21.3 %). Group 2 patients had 5 abnormalities in 3 recoveries (5.8 %), and Group 3 patients had 3 defects in 1 recoveries (1.7 %). At 12 months, people of Group 1 were found to have 17 viola-tions in 9 recoveries (24.3 %), Group 2 – 12 violations in 6 recoveries (12.2 %), Group 3 – 7 violations in recover-ies (5.3 %). There were, respectively, 28 restorations without violations during this period(59,6 %), 43 (82,7 %) and 54 recoveries (93.1 %).
Conclusion. By creating a bevel of the edges of the enam-el reinforced with photocomposite, a high efficiency of re-storing the side teeth is achieved.


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How to Cite

Удод, О. А., & Кібішаурі, М. В. (2021). FEATURES OF CONDUCTING AND CLINICAL EVALUATION OF DIRECT PHOTOCOMPOSITION RECONSTRUCTIONS OF LATERAL TEETH. Stomatological Bulletin, 113(4), 31–35. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2020-38-4-31-35

