
  • O.A. Udod Donetsk National Medical University
  • S.I. Dramaretska Donetsk National Medical University




children, oral cavity, hygiene, orthodontic pathology.


Purpose of the study. Clinical evaluation of the hygienic state of the oral cavity in children with orthodontic pathology before and during treatment with fixed structures. Research methods. In 67 children aged 14 to 17 years with occlusion pathology and occlusion pathology in combination with crowding of frontal teeth, as well as without any orthodontic pathology, divided into three groups, respectively, according to the OHI-S and Fedorov- Volodkina hygienic indices, were studied the initial state of oral hygiene, one week after learning the hygiene measure and one month after the start of treatment with fixed orthodontic structures. Scientific novelty. In the presence of bite pathology in combination with crowding of frontal teeth, the satisfactory level of oral hygiene in children achieved by teaching them rational hygiene measures before the start of treatment within a month is leveled off and reduced to unsatisfactory due to the influence of this orthodontic pathology and the fixed equipment that was used during treatment that requires systematic oral hygiene training every month. Conclusions. Thus, the results of the conducted research showed that, on the one hand, teaching children with orthodontic pathology rational oral hygiene should consider the features that arise during treatment with fixed appliances, on the other hand, attention should be paid to the deterioration of oral hygiene in children within one month of treatment. These circumstances encourage the continuation of the search for the provision of optimal hygienic measures under such clinical conditions.


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How to Cite

Удод, О., & Драмарецька, С. (2022). HYGIENE STATE OF THE ORAL CAVITY IN CHILDREN WITH ORTHODONTIC PATHOLOGY. Stomatological Bulletin, 120(3), 117–122. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2022-45-3.20




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