
  • O.A. Glazunov State Establishment "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"
  • A.A. Gruzdeva State Establishment "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"



iron ore production, oral cavity


Тhe aim. Assess the state of oral hygiene, hard tissues of the teeth and the activity of biochemical markers of oral fluid in workers of iron ore production and identify their relationship with the degree of influence of harmful pro-duction factors.
Materials and methods. There were examined 256 work-ers of industrial iron ore enterprises aged 20 to 60 years, the work experience was 5-20 years. The condition of hard tissues of the teeth and oral hygiene was estimated according to clinical research methods with the definition of paraclinical indices: Fedorov's and Volodkin's (1971), Stallard (1969) and J. Silness (1964), H. Loe (1967). Bio-chemical markers – catalase activity (a marker of the state of the antioxidant system) and lysozyme (level of nonspecific resistance) were evaluated in the oral fluid. The results were processed according to standard statisti-cal methods.
Research results and discussion. In all surveyed workers, changes in color, transparency of hard tissues of teeth, violation of the structure of the enamel, and its integrity were revealed. The high prevalence of pathological ero-sion of hard tissues of teeth, and a higher level of tooth defeat by carious process than in the comparison group. The level of oral hygiene among industrial workers was significantly worse than the comparison group. n the oral fluid there is a significant decrease with age of miners ac-tivity of the enzyme catalase, a marker of antioxidant sys-tem and lysozyme, which reflects the level of nonspecific resistance, indicating a weakening of the body's defenses and the formation of conditions for pathology of oral or-gans and tissues.


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How to Cite

Глазунов, О., & Груздева, А. (2021). INFLUENCE OF FACTORS OF IRON ORE PRODUCTION ON THE CONDITION OF THE ORAL CAVITY OF WORKERS. Stomatological Bulletin, 111(2), 38–44.




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