
  • O.A. Glazunov
  • K.V. Penskyi




prevention, bioflavonoids, minerals, hyaluronic acid, dental preparation.


Increased tooth sensitivity after preparation for nonremovable orthopedic structures is a common problem in orthopedic dentistry. In many cases, it can contribute to morphofunctional changes in the hard tissues of the tooth and lead to various complications, with pulpitis and periodontitis being the most common. This article presents the results of a study of rat blood serum after experimental tooth trauma. An analysis of pulp inflammation markers was conducted, which demonstrated that the proposed therapeutic complex significantly reduces inflammatory reactions in the tooth pulp, increases nonspecific resistance and antioxidant status of the pulp in animals following odontopreparation. The aim of our study. Experimental justification for the use of a complex of hyaluronic acid, bioflavonoids, and minerals to enhance the effectiveness of preventing complications after dental preparation for non-removable orthopedic structures. Investigate changes in pulp inflammation markers in the blood serum of experimental animals during dental preparation. Study the effect of the proposed complex on biochemical indicators in the blood serum of experimental animals. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 48 sexually mature male Wistar rats weighing 220-270 g and aged 6-7 months. The animals were divided into 3 groups. The duration of the experiment was 21 days, after which the rats were euthanized under thiopental anesthesia (20 mg/kg) by bloodletting from the heart. Blood was collected to obtain serum. Serum catalase activity, alkaline phosphatase ALP, α2-macroglobulin, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were determined. Results of the study and their discussion. The study of alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase activity in the intact groups taken for analysis on the 7th and 21st day showed that these indicators were within the normal range and corresponded to data in the blood of rats presented in the literature sources. Conclusions. During the preparation of tooth crowns in experimental animals, pronounced inflammatory reactions develop in the traumatized pulp, which occur against the background of activation of the processes of oxidative stress (OS) with a characteristic phase course, accompanied by a significant increase in the concentration of inflammation markers in the blood serum. The proposed therapeutic and prophylactic complex effectively prevents established disturbances in the biochemical parameters of the blood serum of laboratory animals and is effective in preventing and preventing inflammatory processes in the pulp.


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How to Cite

Glazunov, O., & Penskyi, K. (2023). EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANTIATION OF THE USE OF THERAPEUTIC PROPHYLACTIC PASTE FOR PREVENTION OF COMPLICATIONS DURING ODONTOPREPARATION OF VITAL TEETH. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-47-1.8




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