
  • O.A. Udod
  • S.I. Dramaretska
  • O.B. Roman
  • V.S. Burdeinyi
  • O.V. Maslov



orthodontic treatment, adults, children, Donetsk region, healthcare institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, private institutions.


The performance of orthodontic care is influenced by numerous factors, the most influential of which can be traced. The purpose of the study. Analysis of dynamic changes in the number of patients who have completed orthodontic treatment in healthcare institutions of different ownership forms in the Donetsk region in 2018, 2020, 2022. Materials and methods of the study. Based on the materials of available statistical reports in the directories, the dynamics of the number of indicators of all patients, as well as adults aged 18 and older and children aged 17 and under, who have completed orthodontic treatment in the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and in private institutions of the Donetsk region, have been analyzed. The results. In 2018, a total of 961 people completed orthodontic treatment in the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in 2020 the figure decreased by 28.8% to 684 people, in 2022 by 82.7 % to 166 patients. According to 2018 data, 53 people completed treatment in private institutions, in 2020 there were 28.3% more – 68 patients, in 2022 – 20 people, which is 69.3 % less. In 2018, only 5 adult patients in the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and 9 people in private institutions completed treatment. In 2020, their number increased, respectively, to 57, i.e. immediately by 11.4 times, in private institutions – to 14 people, which is 155.6 % more. In 2022, 45 adults completed treatment in the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which is 9 times higher than the previous year's average, and 17 people in private institutions, i.e. 188.9 % more. In the institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the number of children who completed treatment has decreased over the years: from 956 children in 2018 to 627 and 121 children, respectively, in 2020 and 2022, the decrease is 34.4 % and 88.3 %. In private institutions of the region, there were 44 such children in 2018, and 54 in 2020, which is 22 % more, but the lowest number was in 2022, when 3 children finished treatment (93.2 % decrease). Conclusions. Different trends in the dynamics of the total number of patients, both adults and children who have completed orthodontic treatment, in healthcare institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and in private institutions of the Donetsk region have been established.


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How to Cite

Удод, О., Драмарецька, С., Роман, О., Бурдейний, В., & Маслов, О. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT INDICATORS IN HEALTHCARE INSTITUTIONS OF DONETSK REGION. Stomatological Bulletin, 126(1), 13–18.

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