
  • V.S. Ivanov
  • O.V. Dienha
  • S.A. Shnaider
  • M.V. Anisimov
  • N.V. Maleh




buccal epithelial cells, dental caries, preschool children, oral cavity, biophysics.


In the presence of inflammatory processes, as well as in dental caries, the percentage of mobile electronegative nuclei of buccal epithelial cells is significantly lower at any age than normal. This indicates a deterioration in this case of the physiological state of the cell and the body. Purpose of the study. Study of electrophoretic mobility of buccal epithelial cell nuclei and plasmols in preschool children in Chernomorsk (Odessa region). Materials and methods. In the study, 265 examinations of children aged 2-6 years were carried out in Chernomorsk (2 years – 52 people; 3 years – 54 people; 4 years – 56 people; 5 years – 53 people; 6 years – 50 people). At the same time, for rapid assessment of the level of adaptive reactions in the body and the state of non-specific resistance in the process of complex treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis in children, the charge state of buccal epithelial cells (BEK), the percentage of nuclei and plasmols of cells moving in the electric field, and the ratio of their movement amplitudes were evaluated. Research results. Our studies in Chernomorsk among children aged 2-6 years indicate that at the age of 2, the electrophoretic mobility of BEK nuclei was quite high both normally and in conditions of dental caries. However, as passive humoral immunity decreases with the age of children, this indicator decreases, and in the presence of caries much faster than normal, and further growth of this indicator with age was practically not observed compared to the norm. Conclusions. The conducted research allows to better understand the features of electrophoretic mobility of nuclei and plasmolemes of buccal epithelial cells, reflecting the state of protective reactions in children of primary preschool age, which is important for the development of new methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental pathology in this age category.


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How to Cite

Іванов, В., Дєньга, О., Шнайдер, С., Анісімов, М., & Малех, Н. (2024). ELECTROPHORETIC MOTILITY OF BUCCAL EPITHELIAL CELL NUCLEI AND PLASMOLEMMA IN PRIMARY PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Stomatological Bulletin, 126(1), 199–202. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2024-51-1.33




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