caries, prevention, treatment and Prevention complex, children.Abstract
Purpose of the study. Clinical assessment of the effect of the proposed therapeutic and preventive complex on the intensity of caries in children with early eruption of permanent teeth. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 60 children with early teething, who were divided into 2 groups. The comparison group included 30 6-year-olds with early teething who had at least 8 permanent teeth. Children in this group received basic therapy, which included professional hygiene and oral sanitation, training in personal hygiene skills. The main group included 30 children aged 6 years with early teething who had at least 8 permanent teeth. Children of this group were prescribed applications on their teeth with calcite gel and brushing their teeth with Splat professional biocalcium toothpaste for 20 days. For the next 20 days, applications of Dent Biotrit gel were performed on the teeth with simultaneous oral administration of Dent Biotrit and brushing the teeth with Sensodyne Pronamel for kids toothpaste. After that, the teeth were treated with the Ftorcalcit-E deep fluoridation system. Research results. Determination of the index of growth in the intensity of caries of permanent teeth in children of the studied groups also demonstrates the advantage of using the proposed therapeutic and preventive complex. Thus, in children of the main group, a year after the start of the events, the increase in the intensity of caries of permanent teeth was 0.16 points, which is 4.38 times less than in the comparison group. And after 2 years, this indicator in the main group was 0.33 points, which is 2.94 times less than in the group of children who received basic therapy. This indicates the need for widespread use of the developed preventive complex in children with early teething and the need for constant dispensary examination of such patients. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted studies, it was established that in children with early eruption of permanent teeth, who used the developed therapeutic and preventive complex, the indicators of increasing the intensity of dental caries were less than in children who received basic therapy.
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