stress, oral fluid, rats, experiment, biochemical markersAbstract
Chronic stress is one of the key factors that adversely affect the homeostasis of the oral cavity and can lead to the demineralization of tooth hard tissues. This effect is driven by a decrease in the concentration of calcium and phosphate ions in the oral fluid, as well as by the suppression of alkaline phosphatase activity – an important enzyme involved in remineralization. Such findings highlight the need for effective therapeutic and prophylactic complexes capable of correcting stress-induced biochemical disorders. Aim of the study. To evaluate the effect of a therapeutic complex of drugs (TCD) on the mineralization parameters of rat oral fluid (the concentration of calcium ions, inorganic phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase activity) under conditions of chronic acoustic stress modeling. Materials and methods. The study involved 34 male Wistar rats (2 months of age, body weight 140±8 g), which were divided into three groups: an intact group (n=10), a group with experimentally induced chronic acoustic stress (n=12), and a group with chronic acoustic stress plus TCD (n=12). Over a 50-day period, rats in the second and third groups were exposed to chronic acoustic stress using an ultrasonic rodent repeller. In the “stress + TCD” group, the rats additionally received a therapeutic complex of drugs. After completion of the experiment, oral fluid samples were collected to measure calcium, inorganic phosphorus concentrations, and alkaline phosphatase activity by standard biochemical methods. Results. In the group subjected to chronic acoustic stress, there was a statistically significant reduction in calcium concentration, inorganic phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase activity in the oral fluid compared with the intact group, indicating suppression of mineralization processes in tooth hard tissues. At the same time, a 50-day administration of TCD contributed to the normalization of these parameters, and in some cases even exceeded the indices of the intact group. Conclusions. The obtained data confirm the effectiveness of the therapeutic-prophylactic drug complex in correcting biochemical alterations in the oral fluid under conditions of chronic acoustic stress. These findings may serve as a basis for further research into the prevention and treatment of stress-related dental diseases, particularly caries.
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