dental status, teething, permanent teeth, children, caries, periodontal tissues, oral hygieneAbstract
Actuality. Timely timing, pairing and sequence of teething are the rules for the physiological change of teeth. Failure to comply with these rules leads to the development of oral diseases. Violations of the timing of teething require serious dental interventions, which emphasizes the need to develop programs for the prevention of dental diseases. Purpose. To study the dental status of children with early eruption of permanent teeth. Materials and methods. A total of 120 children aged 6 and 10 years of both sexes were examined, who were divided into 4 groups of 30 in each. The prevalence of dental caries, the state of oral hygiene and the assessment of periodontal tissue were determined using indices. The computer program STATISTICA 6.1 was used for statistical processing of the study results. Results. The analysis of the data of the conducted studies indicates a high prevalence of dental caries in children with early eruption of teeth: higher intensity of caries, higher intensity of caries of permanent teeth. Such high rates of prevalence and intensity of dental caries indicate reduced mineralization of the hard tissues of the teeth. In children with early teething, it was found that oral hygiene was worse than in children in the comparison groups, which is explained by less thorough cleaning due to gingivitis caused by the active eruption of permanent teeth. As a result of the study of the periodontal condition in children with early teething, a tendency to generalization was established. This is due to the active process of eruption in children of the main group of younger age and poorer hygiene due to less thorough brushing of teeth due to the existing increased sensitivity of teeth in children with early eruption of permanent teeth in older groups. Conclusions. A higher prevalence and intensity of dental caries, poorer hygiene and increased inflammation of periodontal tissues in children aged 6 and 10 years with early eruption of teeth were found. The data obtained indicate the need to develop and implement a comprehensive system for the prevention of major dental diseases in children with early teething.
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