
  • O. A. Udod Donetsk national medical University
  • R. S. Kostenko Donetsk national medical University



endodontically treated teeth, direct and indi-rect restoration, photocomposites, ceramic materials, clinical evaluation


To restore teeth after endodontic treatment, direct or in-direct restoration is used, but no common approaches are defined.
Purpose of work. Clinical evaluation of direct and indi-rect restoration of lateral group teeth after endodontic treatment in different follow-up periods.
Materials and methods. In a prospective randomized study, 79 individuals were examined in which 170 molars with class 2 cavities were restored (the Black method) af-ter endodontic treatment. In 38 patients, 89 teeth (52.4 %) were restored by direct method from a photocomposite, in 41 patients, 81 indirect restoration from a ceramic mate-rial was performed using digital technologies. The condi-tion of the restorations was assessed after 6 and 12 months according to clinical criteria.
Research result. Within 6 months, according to clinical criteria, violations were detected in 6 direct (6.7%) and 1 indirect restoration (1.2%). After 12 months, among di-rect restorations, 2 of them were found to be destroyed (2.2%), anatomical shape disorders were found in 6 res-torations (6.7%), marginal fit was found in 5 (5.6%), marginal staining was found in 9 restorations (10.1%), and contact point defects were found in 11 cases (12.4%). These violations occurred in 13 updates (14.6%). At the same time, the anatomical shape and edge fit were violat-ed only in 1 indirect restoration (1.2%), edge staining, as well as defects of the contact point, were detected in 2 restorations (2.5%). In General, there were 2 indirect res-torations with violations (2.5%). According to the results of two surveys, 19 direct restorations (21.3%) and 3 indi-rect restorations (3.7%) were detected with violations.
Conclusions. After endodontic treatment, it is advisable to restore the lateral teeth with ceramic materials using an indirect method.


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How to Cite

Удод, О. А., & Костенко, Р. С. (2021). DIRECT AND INDIRECT DENTAL RESTO-RATIONS: CLINICAL STATUS AND EVALUATION. Stomatological Bulletin, 110(1), 26–30.

