
  • V.S. Shvydchenko O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University
  • V.O. Malanchuk O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University
  • O.S. Volovar O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University
  • O.O. Kryzhanivska O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University



radicular cysts of the jaws, meloxicam, bioac-tive composite, pain


Purpose. To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of the use of meloxicam dispers tablets in patients with radicular cysts of the jaws.
Materials and methods. The study involved 47 patients (m-21, f-26) with radicular cysts of the jaws, the average age was 33.5±8.4years, treated at the Dental Medical Center of O.O. Bogomolets NMU.
Patients were divided into 2 groups: main – 16 people, comparison – 31 people. After performing a cystectomy with apex resection of the root(s) of the tooth and retro-grade filling of the root canal, the bone defect was filled with a bioactive long-acting composite Medical glue (main group) or blood clot (comparison group).
The blood coagulation disorders, chronic liver and kidney failure, and allergic reactions to medical supplies were not evaluated from the anamnesis vitae of patients.
Meloxicam ODT 15 mg (Movixicam® ODT) prescribed to all patients (100 %) 30 minutes before surgery, the next day 15 mg per day for 3-4 days. Patients were also pre-scribed antibiotic therapy.
Patients were examined according to the classical method of examination of dental patients before surgery and at 2, 5, 7 days after surgery. The level of pain (using Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS)), the condition of the oral mucosa in the area of the intervention, the presence or absence of hyperemia and swelling, pain during palpation were evaluated.
The analysis of the obtained research results was processed by the method of variation statistics using the MedStat package and the statistical package EZR v.1.35 (Saitama Medical Center, Jichi Medical University, Saitama, Japan, 2017), which is a graphical interface to RFSC (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vi-enna, Austria).
Results. Pain dynamics analysis at patients at each mo-ment of measurement (Conover, 1999), its significant gradual decrease (p<0.05) was found at each time inter-val and on the 7th day the lowest value was reached (0.6 ± 0,8 points) with a maximum value of 1 indicator.
There was a tendency for faster reduction of postopera-tive inflammatory events in patients of the main group: on 5-th day, 10 (62.5 %) patients had no edema and hypere-mia, whereas in most of the comparison group 22 (71.0 %) edema was maintained (the difference was sta-tistically significant (p<0.05) and decreased significantly on 7-th day. Similar patterns were observed in hyperemia. This was the basis for the removal of sutures in the short-est time in the main group, an average of 5.5±0.9 day, whereas in the comparison group, this figure was 6.5±1.0 day. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (p=0.001 by the Mann-Whitney test).
Conclusions. The applying of meloxicam ODT in the complex treatment of patients with radicular cysts of the jaw and filling of the postoperative cystic defect of the jaw with a bioactive composite Medical glue with folic acid helps to reduce postoperative inflammation and al-lows to accelerate the healing period (p<0.001) by an av-erage of 1.0 day (95 % CI 0.5 days - 1.6 days) compared with the group with a blood clot.


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How to Cite

Швидченко, В., Маланчук, В., Воловар, О., & Крижанівська, О. (2021). MELOXICAM DISPERSE TABLETS IN COMPLEX TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH RADICULAR CYSTS OF THE JAWS. Stomatological Bulletin, 108(3), 53–60.