
  • O.A. Udod Donetsk National Medical University
  • H.S. Voronina Donetsk National Medical University
  • V.G. Tsentilo Donetsk National Medical University
  • G.Yu. Apekunov Donetsk National Medical University




higher education, specialty dentistry, candidates for master’s degree, certification, objective structured practical (clinical) exam


Purpose of the study. Analysis of the results of an objective structured practical (clinical) exam during the certification of applicants for higher education with a master’s degree in 221 Dentistry at Donetsk National Medical University in 2021. In preparation for the exam at the university, the relevant regulations on its organization, conduct and assessment were developed, and lists of typical tasks of activities, skills and abilities were compiled. The structure provides for ten stations, grouped into complexes, according to the list of examination disciplines. Of the ten stations, nine were practical and one was clinical. The necessary methodological support for each station in three languages was developed. Assessment of the applicant’s performance was performed on checklists, which in practical stations contained 10 points (steps), in clinical – 16, the maximum score at the station was 5 points. The preparation and conduct of the exam identified a number of administrative, methodological, organizational and logistical problems. The exam requires a team of highly qualified specialists with some experience in scientific and pedagogical, medical, organizational and administrative work. Expensive multifunctional phantoms and simulators, videos of dental patients’ examinations, archive of clinical photos and X-rays, etc. are needed. Examiners with mandatory training and a pilot version of the exam should be prepared separately. The large amount of documents that must be prepared and used during and after the exam can be reduced by translating some of them into electronic format with the function of automatic calculation of the result of the exam by each applicant. Conclusions. The gained positive experience allows us to conclude that an objective structured practical (clinical) exam looks like a very effective and modern way of assessing the knowledge and skills of higher education students within the competence approach to the educational process.


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How to Cite

Удод, О., Вороніна, Г., Центіло, В., & Апєкунов, Г. (2022). EXPERIENCE OF CONDUCTING AN OBJECTIVE STRUCTURED PRACTICAL (CLINICAL) EXAM IN DENTISTRY. Stomatological Bulletin, 118(1), 34–38. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2022-43-1.6




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