
  • O.A. Udod Donetsk National Medical University
  • I.O. Moroz Donetsk National Medical University



teeth, direct restoration, light-cured composite, clinical condition, retrospective estimation.


Purpose of the study. The clinical estimation of the condition of direct teeth restorations made of light-cured materials at different times. Research methods. A dental examination of 222 patients aged 18 to 44 years was carried out, who were selected based on a retrospective analysis results of 310 medical card. The patients have a condition clinical estimation of 513 direct restorations which were made from light-cured composite materials in 2016-2019 (a functioning period are 3 – 5 years). The restorations condition was estimation visually and instrumentally according to significant clinically criteria (anatomical shape, marginal adaptation, marginal staining, secondary caries, condition of the contact point) and aesthetic (color matching, surface roughness). The results were given in absolute and relative values. Scientific novelty. According to the study results, the number of direct light-cured teeth restorations with violations of the material marginal adaptation is increases from 21.3 % of restorations which were made 3 years ago to 41.5 % of restorations with a period of 5 years; the number of restorations with marginal staining at the border also increases, accordingly, from 19.1 % to 39.6 %; secondary caries was diagnosed in 5.5 % and 13.4 % teeth restored at the appropriate time; functionally defective or destroyed contact point was found in accordance with the specified terms in 14.4 % and 44.5 % of direct restorations with localization on the contact surfaces of the frontal and lateral teeth. Conclusions. Thus, the research results indicate a sufficiently high number of violations in direct dental restorations according to a clinically significant criterion, which significantly increases the risk of complications. In this regard, it is urgent to constantly monitor and search for improved approaches to determining the conditions and technology of direct dental restorations from lightcured materials.


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How to Cite

Удод, О., & Мороз, І. (2022). DIRECT PHOTOCOMPOSITE RESTORATION OF TEETH: CONDITION AND VIOLATION. Stomatological Bulletin, 120(3), 39–44.




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