mucous membrane, oral cavity, experiment, animals.Abstract
Purpose of the study. Study of the Morpho-functional state of the microcirculatory bed of the mucous membrane after treatment of formed GRAS by using ozone therapy in experimental animals. Material and research methods. The experimental study was conducted on 36 experimental animals (male rabbits of the Dutch breed at the age of 9 months). Ovalbumin (egg white albumin) was used to model GRAS according to the previously proposed and widely used scheme. The doses of drugs that were used were determined in accordance with the animal's body weight. The study animals were divided into 3 main groups depending on the therapy used. Research results and their discussion. When examining the oral mucosa of the first group of animals, in which,after the formation of aphthous defects, therapy was performed by applying bandages with keratoplastic gel, single surface erosions of rounded or oval shape with a diameter of up to 3-3.5 mm were detected. During microscopic examination, the oral mucosa of animals of this group was covered with a multilayered squamous non-keratinized epithelium, with the exception of the gum surface. In general, in the epithelium, despite the preservation of its uneven thickness, a clear division into layers was observed. Surface cells of the spiny layer are flat and close to the fusiform shape, pycnosis phenomena are moderately pronounced. Conclusions. In the conditions of an animal experiment, it was found that in chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, a complex of erosive and ulcerative changes with concomitant inflammatory, dystrophic, and dyscirculatory processes is formed, accompanied by an increase in the activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase more than twice (from 0.21±0.05 to 0.79±0.06 conventional units.). The degree of activity of the inducible fraction of no synthase is more pronounced in the areas directly adjacent to mucosal erosions and in the areas of formation of ulcerative defects. The use of ozone therapy in combination with keratoplastic gel improves the condition of the microcirculatory bed of the mucous membrane, which is manifested in the restoration of constrictor-dilator mechanisms of vascular tone, which is one of the important mechanisms for stabilizing nitric oxide metabolism, which was proved in an animal experiment.
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