
  • I.L. Chekhova
  • R.I. Yehorov
  • A.A. Kuzmenko



children, traumatic injuries of Maxillofacial tissues, wounds, tooth damage, lower jaw fracture.


Goal. Determination of Epidemiology of traumatic injuries of Maxillofacial tissues in children who applied for help at the trauma center of the Department of children's Clinical Hospital No. 7 in Kyiv in 2020-2021. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of 9496 cases of traumatic injuries of soft tissues, teeth and jaws in children under the age of 18 who applied for help at the trauma center of the maxillofacial Department of DKB No. 7, which is the clinical base of the Department of surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of children of the National Medical University named after A. A. Bogomolets. The study was conducted according to the actual developed examination map, which recorded the age, gender, type and location of the injury, the combination of soft tissue injuries with injuries to the teeth and jaws. Results. The study found that the majority of injuries occur in children under 6 years of age 66.2 %, the lowest number in children aged 13-18 years – 9.1% of cases. It was found that in 59.34% of cases, boys were injured, in 40.66 % ‒ girls. The total number of injuries was 10,401, most of which ‒ 90 % ‒ were wounds of various etiologies. Most often, the chin area was injured. Abrasions and bruises were found in half of the children who received wounds when falling on the chin. According to the analysis of bruised chin wounds, it was found that in 2% of cases, fractures of one or both condyle processes of the lower jaw were diagnosed. Injuries to the frontal group of temporary (TK) and permanent (PZ) teeth of both jaws were observed in 22.82% of cases, while TK was injured 3 times more often than PZ. Conclusions. 1. Traumatic injuries of Maxillofacial tissue injuries were more common in children under 6 years of age, with boys being the majority in all age groups. 2. The nature of soft tissue damage was dominated by bruised wounds, which were more often localized in the chin area, and in half of the cases were accompanied by abrasions and hematomas. 3. During a fall on the chin, damage to the frontal group of teeth was observed, most often temporary, and in some cases fractures of the condyle processes of the lower jaw were diagnosed.


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How to Cite

Чехова, І., Єгоров, Р., & Кузьменко, А. (2023). TRAUMATIC INJURIES OF THE MAXILLOFACIAL REGION IN CHILDREN. RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Stomatological Bulletin, 125(4), 48–54.

