
  • О.І. Godovanets Bukovinian State Medical University
  • A.V. Kotelban Bukovinian State Medical University
  • I.V. Navchuk Bukovinian State Medical University



children, caries, buccal epithelium, AMELX, DSPP


The article deals with the molecular genetic predictors of dental caries in 6-year-old children living in Bukovyna. 

The aim of the study was to investigate the genetic risk factor for dental caries in children by analysing the level of mRNA expression of the AMELX and DSPP genes in the buccal epithelium of Bukovinian children. 

Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, we examined 215 children aged 6 years living in Bukovina. Determination of mRNA expression of the genes Human amelogenin, X-linked (AMELX) and Human dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) was performed on the basis of the educational and scientific laboratory of BSMU by the real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. 

Results of the study. As a result of the molecular genetic study of buccal epithelium, it was found that the level of mRNA expression of the AMELX gene significantly varied depending on the region of residence. The highest level of gene mRNA expression was in children from Vyzhnytsia district and was (31.51±0.17), which is 1.74 and 5.36 % higher than in the study subjects from Dniester and Chernivtsi districts. With an increase in the number of carious teeth, the level of gene expression did not differ. The results of the study of DSPP gene mRNA indicate that with an increase in the number of cariously affected teeth, the expression of DSPP gene mRNA increased significantly: by 4.40% in conditions of medium and 6.54% in conditions of high caries intensity. 

Conclusions. Thus, the results of the molecular genetic study indicate that the highest level of AMELX gene mRNA expression was observed in children from Vyzhnytsia region. The gene expression did not depend on the number of cariously affected teeth. With increasing caries intensity, the expression of DSPP gene mRNA increased. 


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How to Cite

Годованець, О., Котельбан, А., & Навчук, І. (2025). GENETIC ASPECTS OF DENTAL CARIES IN CHILDREN. Stomatological Bulletin, 129(4), 128–131.




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