
  • N.P. Mahlynets Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • Z.R. Ozhogan Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • V.P. Pyuryk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University




vestibule of mouth, measurement of vestibule of mouth, diagnostic errors


Purpose of the study. Improving the effectiveness of the diagnosis of shallow vestibule of the mouth and disorders of the vestibulr architecture. Research methods. We examined 30 people aged 12–15 years with dental anomalies, which were divided into two groups randomized by age and sex. In the first group of patients (15 people) the depth of the vestibule of the mouth was assessed by the method proposed by T.V. Zakirov (2005). In group II (15 patients), the depth of the vestibule of the mouth was determined by our proposed method. Scientific novelty. In our method of measuring the depth of the mouth, we have eliminated a number of important points that simplified the measurement of the depth of the vestibule of the mouth for the doctor, which provided visualization of the attached part of the gums (the true depth of the mouth) It reduced the number of diagnostic errors in hypertrophic gingivitis / It’s important for this age group of patients. Conclusions. Determining the depth of the vestibule of the mouth and anomalies of its architecture is an important point in the examination of the patient. We have developed a method of measuring the dorsum of the mouth, which visualizes the attached gums and simplifies the examination of this anatomical structure by a physician. When using our proposed method of measuring the vestibule of the mouth, a number of diagnostic errors are prevented. The results of a repeated study in group I of patients, developed by us by the method, differed significantly from those obtained by the method of measuring the depth of the mouth of the mouth, proposed by T.V. Zakirov (p ≤ 0,05). 90,0% of the examined patients (27 people) were diagnosed with a violation of the architecture of the mouth of the mouth (abnormal attachment of the bridle of the upper and / or lower lip, the presence of connective tissue strands in the projection of the canines and premolars), 46,7% of those examined (12 people) mouth (less than 5 mm).


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How to Cite

Махлинець, Н., Ожоган, З., & Пюрик, В. (2022). WAYS TO ELIMINATE DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS IN MEASURING THE DEPTH OF THE VESTIBULE OF THE MOUTH. Stomatological Bulletin, 118(1), 63–66. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2022-43-1.11

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