
  • N.I. Smolyar Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • M.Ju. Lesytskiy Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University




One of the main functions of oral fluid in the aspect of studying the state of enamel is mineralizing function, because it provides secondary mineralization of teeth after their eruption by maintaining homeostasis of the oral cavity. It is known that the processes of enamel mineralization, which are carried out while maintaining the optimal electrolyte balance in the oral fluid, are crucial in maintaining the state of caries resistance. The processes of enamel resistance formation are influenced by a number of factors, both local and general, which also depend on different functional states of the oral cavity. Therefore, special attention should be paid to biochemical studies of oral fluid in children with different levels of enamel resistance on the background of dental anomalies. The aim of the study was to evaluate the biochemical properties of oral fluid in children with different levels of enamel resistance and malocclusion. Research methods. A study of the concentration of the main inorganic components of oral fluid (total calcium, inorganic phosphorus and magnesium) was conducted in 88 children aged 12 and 15 years with malocclusion. Biochemical studies of oral fluid were performed in the clinical biochemical laboratory on the basis of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western region. Scientific novelty. In this study, we studied the indicators of phosphoruscalcium metabolism in the oral fluid of children with different levels of resistance of enamel and malocclusion. High level of calcium was found in 12-year-olds with anomalies of individual teeth, and low calcium level was found in children of the same age with anomalies of dental arches and occlusion. The content of inorganic phosphorus is significantly higher in children with anomalies of occlusion, and in persons with anomalies of individual teeth significantly reduced. Significant differences were revealed in the concentration of these elements in the oral fluid between children aged 15 years with caries-resistant and conditionally susceptible and carious-susceptible enamel. Children with cariesresistant enamel and anomalies of individual teeth, dental arches and occlusion have the higher content of calcium and lower content of phosphorus in the oral fluid compared with children with the same orthodontic pathology, but susceptible enamel to carious process. Conclusions. The results of the study show that children with anomalies of individual teeth have a higher content of calcium and lower content of inorganic phosphorus in the oral fluid compared to children with anomalies of occlusion. Higher content of calcium, magnesium and reduced content of inorganic phosphorus in the oral fluid of children with malocclusion and caries-resistant enamel compared to children with conditionally susceptible and carious-susceptible enamel. As this age period coincides with puberty period and tertiary mineralization of the permanent teeth, these changes in oral homeostasis should be taken into account when planning the prevention of dental caries in this category of patients, especially with enamel susceptible to caries.


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How to Cite

Смоляр, Н., & Лесіцький, М. (2022). FEATURES OF PHOSPHORUS-CALCIUM METABOLISM IN THE ORAL FLUID OF CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ENAMEL RESISTANCE AND MALOCCLUSION. Stomatological Bulletin, 119(2), 88–94. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2022-44-2.16




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