


temporomandibular joints, diseases, symptoms, axiography, condylography, prognosis.


Aim: to increase the efficiency of diagnosing diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) by assessing a set of condylographic indicators, developing prognostic algorithms for the development and course of this pathology. Material and methods. The study was conducted with the participation of 410 patients with TMJ pathology aged 25–65 (32±12.7) years. The study design was clinical retrospective cross-sectional comparative. As part of the complex examination, palpatory assessment of the state of the masticatory muscles and the TMJ, condylography (axiography), computed tomography, teleradiography, occlusiography, determination of the range of motion of the mandible, analysis of jaw models in the articulator, etc. were performed, the data were analyzed using standard logical and statistical methods at a critical p-level of 0.05. Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of the examination results and treatment methods of patients with TMJ diseases was performed. The clinical efficacy of the proposed and standard approaches to the diagnosis of patients with TMJ pathology was compared. The foundations for the development of prognostic mathematical models and a program for the examination of patients, which takes into account the development, course, timing and success of treatment of TMJ diseases, are laid. On the basis of clinical, condylographic, articulation diagnostic methods, the advantages of the proposed methods of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of patients with TMJ pathology are substantiated. Conclusions: it is recommended to use the developed modified program of examination of patients, which, in addition to the standard approach, is based on clinical, condylographic, articulation diagnostic methods with mathematical prognostic modeling by the method of sequential analysis of A. Wald in the modification of E. Gubler, A. Genkin and using the algorithm for assessing the probability of progression of TMJ diseases. Prospects for further research are to replenish primary data, improve mathematical models, test and implement individualized prognostic algorithms for assessing the progression of TMJ diseases with the determination of their clinical effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Ожоган, З., & Крохмаль, А. (2024). TOPICAL ASPECTS OF DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINTS DISEASES. Stomatological Bulletin, 127(2), 60–63.




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