
  • O.O. Fastovets
  • O.A. Kryvchuk
  • S.S. Kobylyak




prosthetic dentistry, simulation training, case method, integrated approach


Purpose of the study. To summarize the experience of integrated approach in simulation training of second-level higher education applicants for the formation of special competencies at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry of the Dnipro State Medical University. Main part. Based on the fact that mastering practical skills does not ensure the acquisition of professional competencies and the development of "clinical thinking", it is proposed to combine the use of simulation technology with the case method when teaching prosthetic dentistry. The novelty of the innovation is as follows. Before manipulating on a phantom, he has to analyze the data provided by clinical and additional studies, to make a diagnosis, to conduct differential diagnostics and to develop a treatment plan for the disease, in addition to determine the expected results, prognosis and to develop rehabilitation and secondary prevention measures. In this case, the nature of surgical interventions on phantoms will be determined by provided clinical data. It is determined that the most effective type of "case-study" in applying the integrated approach is «casesituation » using structured complete cases. While short cases can be used during control measures for the most objective assessment of the level of acquired competencies. The department has compiled basic sets of cases for students of 3-5 courses on fixed and removable dental prosthetics, and maxillofacial prosthetics. The described method of forming special competencies allows solving the issue of thematic admission of patients for applicants. During the cycle, the student has the opportunity to work with his "virtual patient", having carried out a number of clinical manipulations. In addition, work in a dental laboratory, in particular with CAD/CAM equipment, allows him to fully reproduce the laboratory stages of manufacturing typical dentures, as a result, to get a holistic view of the technology of dental and maxillofacial prosthetics. Conclusions. The use of integrated training exercises compiled on the basis of the case method using simulation equipment, involving the provision of anamnesis data, survey, results of additional research methods with simulation of the clinical situation in the oral cavity on a phantom gives a possibility for increasing the level of special competencies. Such a technique allows not only applied training, but also provides the acquisition of skills in formulating a diagnosis and drawing up a plan for comprehensive dental treatment and prevention of secondary complications using prosthetic methods. In general, the integrated approach allows the development of not only manual, but also analytical skills, the ability of applicants to critical thinking during dental interventions, necessary for their future practice.


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How to Cite

Фастовець, О., Кривчук, О., & Кобиляк, С. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF THE INTEGRATED APPROACH IN SIMULATION TRAINING AT THE DEPARTMENT OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. Stomatological Bulletin, 123(2), 105–110. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-48-2.20




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