
  • N.L. Chukhray Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • E.V. Bezvushko Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • O.V. Kolesnichenko Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • M.B. Fur Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • O.-Kh.A. Byala Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



caries of temporary teeth, malocclusion, children.


Dental caries and malocclusion referred to the main stomatological diseases and are characterized by high prevalence among children population. The lack dental caries treatment, particularly of the primary teeth, and its complications in children can be the cause of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues and premature tooth extraction. At the same time, it is possible to disturb the formation of permanent teeth tissues of the permanent teeth, displacement of the tooth germs with subsequent abnormal eruption and formation of malocclusion. Such situation determines the study of the state of stomatological morbidity in children from boarding institutions, some of which are located in remote settlements, where dental care is difficult to access, or even impossible, and orthodontic treatment of such children generally remains outside the attention of an orthodontist. Therefore, the determination of dental morbidity in children is an actual problem of modern dentistry, the solution of which will serve as the bases for the yustification of preventive measures. The purpose of the study is to investigate the prevalence and intensity of caries of the temporary teeth in children with boarding institutions with malocclusion. Research methods. In order to assess the state of the hard-dental tissues, 528 children with malocclusion, who live and study in boarding institutions in the city of Lviv, Sambir, villarges Strilky and Zrovtantci, compose the main group. Scientific novelty. It was determined that the prevalence of dental caries in children from boarding institutions is 70.30±2.27 % with an intensity of 4.92±0.29 teeth, in the control group – 63.79±4.46 % and 4.30±0.17 tooth, respectively. It was found that the prevalence of dental caries of the temporary teeth in children from boarding institutions with malocclusion is significantly higher compared to children without malocclusion. Higher values of caries intensity of the temporary teeth were established in children of boarding institutions with malocclusion compared to the children without malocclusion, which may indicate that the presence of malocclusion in children is a significant risk factor for the development of the carious process. Analyzing the caries prevalence of the temporary teeth by age in children from boarding institutions of different settlements, an absolute one hundred percent indicator was found in seven-year-old children of the villages Zrovtantci and Strilky and slightly lower prevalalence in children from Sambir (96.55±3.39 %) and Lviv (94.44±3.82 %), which corresponds to a high level of caries incidence according to WHO criteria. Conclusions. The obtained results of the study indicate that the prevalence and intensity of caries of the temporary teeth are significantly higher in children of the boarding institutions with malocclusion compared to children without malocclusion, p<0,001. In children of the boarding institutions with malocclusion from different settlements the df index is significantly higher compared to the similar indicator for children without malocclusion.


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How to Cite

Чухрай, Н., Безвушко, Е., Колесніченко, О., Фур, М., & Бяла, О.-Х. (2022). FREQUENCY OF DENTAL CARIES OF PRIMARY TEETH IN CHILDREN OF BOARDING INSTITUTIONS WITH MALOCCLUSION. Stomatological Bulletin, 120(3), 123–129.




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